Using icons in Microsoft Word and Powerpoint is a great alternative to just have text or using generic stock photos. Scale & clearspace . However, you can add some spice to your LinkedIn profile by sprinkling in a few Unicode symbols to help break up the text. This feature is available only to Microsoft … To make sure our logo is legible, and to maintain its integrity, keep the area surrounding it free of other elements. Doing so will open the last-saved version of the file. Having social media icons in your email signature or newsletters offers additional ways to connect with recipients. But, there are ways to add some fun icons and bullets to really make your profile stand out. 2. 1. STEP 2: Go back to LinkedIn, click “Edit my profile” and PASTE in the icon where you want it to appear. Be aware that a Word document is not a web page, and when each user views the document, it will be a unique document on their system, not yours. Make sure your LinkedIn profile is full of relevant keywords in each section. 1. Follow these steps to add icons to your email signature: Outlook signature. Choose from a library of icons that you can resize, move, and format—just like other ready-made shapes in Word. STEP 1: Go to this page on Wikipedia, find an icon you like, highlight it and copy it (Control-C on your keyboard). The icon will be quite large in Word. ; Get a professional profile picture and customize your background photo. How to insert an icon in Microsoft Word. In order to add a symbol or bullet, simply highlight, copy (CTRL+C or … Unicode symbols are special characters that … Select Insert > Icons . Open Microsoft Word document. Since we have a dedicated guide that shows you how to optimize your LinkedIn profile step by step, let’s just go through the basics here:. Double-click a Microsoft Word file, or open Microsoft Word and then select the file from the home page. So it is not, and doesn't behave like, a web page. If you want to add icon images then download the icon image from google search and upload on your project then find the line \collectionnew{socials} Then add the bellow code before it (as much copy as you needed) \newcommand*{\googlescholarsocialsymbol} {\includegraphics[width=0.5cm]{example-image-a}~} Click once on the image to activate it and then click on the hypertext icon – the globe with chain link to the far right (C). Before you include your LinkedIn URL in your resume, make sure your entire profile looks professional. The minimum clearspace is the width of the ‘i’ x 2. Drag the icon to Word. Consequently, there is a limit to what you can get to work, due to … STEP 3: Save your changes – you’re good to go! To scale download the icon, just click it … If networking is important and your company permits, you can also add a public profile LinkedIn badge. Linkedin icon - World\'s best selection of high quality Free Linkedin icons. In Outlook, from the Home tab, select New Email. (Control-V on your keyboard.) 2.