「安全に劇場で舞台をつくり、お客様に届けたい。」という目的のもと、始動した企画です。,6月1日より活動を再開いたしました。活動再開にあたり、「安全第一」を最優先にした上で劇場を稼働する方法を模索し、たどり着いたのが「ひとり芝居の無観客配信公演 / DISTANCE」でした。,当公演は好評を博し、観客動員も9公演で6,812名に達しました。本多劇場で実際にご案内できるお客様の約2倍の数にあたり、客席稼働率50%以下という命題を前にした演劇界において、とても前向きなメッセージを届けることができました。,ただ、あくまでも一番の環境は「コロナ前」の状態です。満席の客席で、マスクをつけることなく、笑って泣いて、同じ時間と空間を共有し、作品を楽しんでいただく。時間はまだかかりますが、そこに向けて着実に前進したいと、当企画では考えています。,そこで、第二弾となる今公演では、「劇場+配信公演」を実施いたします。客席稼働50%を基準に、お客様に安心して作品を楽しんでいただける環境を整えた上で劇場にご案内させていただきます。(客席稼働率については、安全対策を行なった上で適切な判断を適時行います)そして、ご案内できなかったお客様、遠方のお客様に向けての、配信公演も同時にライブで実施いたします。,さらに、今公演ではもう一つのテーマを持ちました。それは、「他の地域の劇場の再開」です。本多劇場グループを皮切りに、東京を中心に劇場再開は次々と始まっています。これは本当に喜ばしいことです。これを、さらに外に広げていければと考えています。当企画で得た知識とノウハウを元に、各地の劇場再開の手助けが今公演でおこなえればと考え「DISTANCEツアー」を実施することにいたしました。,具体的には、北九州・豊橋・札幌の3箇所で実施いたします。安全対策においては、第一弾で大きな成果を挙げた「TOKYO THEATER LABO」の協力を得ながら今公演も進めて参ります。移動に大きなリスクがあるからこそ、最小人数でカンパニーが移動し、演劇を届けにいきます。今だからこそ、より必要性が増した「ツアー」の再開を、今公演で実施します。,演劇は復活しました、劇場は再開しました。もう、この火が消えることはそうそうないでしょう。みんな我慢して、考えて、そしてようやく6月1日にこの火が灯りました。どんどん大きく、広げていければと思います。ただ、安全第一であることは、今回も変わらずです。お客様をどこまで案内できるか、そしてツアーにどこまで公演関係者が移動できるかどうかは状況を冷静に見ながら、判断をしていきます。,お客様に、演劇を安心して楽しんでいただけるように。今回も「DISTANCE」は可能性をひろげ、つなげてまいります。,東京公演 8/7(金)20:00の回、豊橋公演 8/20(木)17:00の回・20:00の回に出演,東京公演 8/10(月祝)17:00の回 / 北九州公演 8/15(土)15:00の回・18:00の回に出演,「DISTANCE-TOUR-」(第二弾)、そして「DISTANCE」(第一弾)にて上演された作品の一部をアーカイブ配信することが決定いたしました。,ライブ配信のみで実施した今公演ですが、配信時にどうしてもうまく視聴することができなかったというお客様の声を元に、よりお客様に寄り添った形で配信公演を行うべきという判断に基づき、このアーカイブ配信の実施に至りました。,合わせて、公演実施後に配信公演形態が変わってしまったことにつきまして、深くお詫び申し上げます。誠に申し訳ございませんでした。,尚、既にライブ配信をご視聴いただいているお客様は、1公演500円でご視聴いただけます。,また、東京・北九州・豊橋・札幌 全公演の舞台写真と、DISTANCE-TOUR-の活動記録を収めた公式ビジュアルパンフレットの発売も決定しました!9月1日より公式サイトにて受付を開始いたします、こちらもあわせてお楽しみいただければ幸いです。,本多劇場での運営対策に対して、吉田正樹教授(東京慈恵会医科大学、日本環境感染学会理事長)による確認及び現場視察を実施しました。ご一読ください。,公演実施可否の判断、安全対策の強化〜PCR検査の再実施、劇場公演のキャンセル受付についてまとめております。,お祝い花&プレゼント、チケットの販売締切、チケットキャンセル、座席位置など詳細をまとめております。ご一読ください。,新型コロナウイルス感染予防に全力を尽くします。それでも、絶対にかからないとは言えません。感染の可能性がある以上、万が一 感染を確認した場合のガイドラインを作成しておくべきと考え、本項の制作に至りました。ご一読ください,DISTANCE 第一弾においてシミュレーションを行い、作成したPOPと資料になります。,Cookiesを使用して、スムーズなブラウジングエクスペリエンスを保証します。続行すると、Cookiesの使用を受け入れるものと見なされます. version of this document in a more accessible format, please email,Work and financial support during coronavirus,Travel safely during the coronavirus outbreak,Travelling from England to other UK nations,Exemptions - people who do not have to wear a face covering on public transport and in substantially enclosed areas of transport hubs,Safer travel for passengers easy read guide,self-isolating as a result of coronavirus symptoms or sharing a household or support bubble with somebody with symptoms,NHS Test and Trace service to self-isolate,stay at home and not leave the house for 14 days,must wear a face covering when travelling in England,keep a suitable distance from other people,Check that your vehicle is safe and roadworthy,some people may be exempt from wearing a face covering,keep a suitable distance from members of staff,guidance for passengers in airports and on aircraft,Travel to some countries and territories is currently exempted,public health requirements of your destination country,guidance for British citizens travelling abroad,get travel insurance and check it provides sufficient cover,people who don’t have to complete the form, because of their jobs,rules to find out if you need to self-isolate, and for how long,people who don’t have to self-isolate, because of their jobs,exemption or a legitimate reason for not wearing one,Safer travel for passengers information sheet,Coronavirus (COVID-19): safer transport guidance for operators,Face coverings: when to wear one, exemptions, and how to make your own,Coronavirus outbreak FAQs: what you can and can’t do,Local restrictions: areas with an outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19),Coronavirus (COVID-19): safer air travel for passengers,Coronavirus (COVID-19): transport and travel guidance,Guidance for schools: coronavirus (COVID-19),Driving and transport in the UK during coronavirus,Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance and support,Transparency and freedom of information releases,working safely - this may be working from home, or within the workplace if,washing or sanitising your hands regularly,keeping your distance when you travel, where possible,avoiding the busiest routes, as well as busy times like the rush hour,limit the number of people or households that you come into contact with, for example by avoiding the busiest routes, as well as busy times like the rush hour,use a face covering on public transport and in substantially enclosed areas of transport hubs,cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or the inside of your elbow when coughing or sneezing,travel side by side or behind other people, rather than facing them, where seating arrangements allow,stay outdoors, rather than indoors, where possible,minimise the time spent close to other people, where possible,dispose of waste safely, including items such as used disposable face coverings,bus, coach and tram stations and terminals,share the transport with the same people each time,keep to small groups of up to 6 people at any one time,consider seating arrangements to maximise distance between people in the vehicle,clean your car between journeys using standard cleaning products - make sure you clean door handles and other areas that people may touch,use quieter stations and stops – get off a stop early if it’s less busy,keep changes to a minimum, for example, between bus and train,walk for more of your journey, for example the first or last mile,book your tickets online in advance or pay by contactless,limit the number of people that you come into contact with, for example avoid peak travel,be prepared to queue or take a different entrance or exit at stations,wait for passengers to get off first before you board,wait for the next service if you cannot safely keep your distance on board a train, bus or coach,avoid consuming food and drink on public transport, where possible,respect other people’s space while travelling,be aware of pregnant, older and disabled people who may require a seat or extra space,be aware that not all disability is visible and,notices about which seats to use or how to queue,additional screens, barriers or floor markings,requests to board through different doors or to move to less busy areas,keep the time spent near others as short as possible,wash their hands for at least 20 seconds or sanitise your hands as soon as possible after the end of your journey,consider walking or cycling from the station or stop you arrived at,wash your hands for at least 20 seconds or sanitise your hands as soon as possible - do the same for children who have travelled with you,in English airspace, when you are on board an aircraft which took off from, or is to land at, a place in England,in the English territorial sea, when you are on board a vessel which departed from, or is to dock at, a place in England,do not congregate near entrances or exits while waiting,wash your hands for at least 20 seconds or sanitise your hands as soon as possible,the activity you are travelling for is permitted in the country you plan to visit,you are permitted to stay overnight, if you need to do so,passengers in an allocated cabin, berth or other similar accommodation, when they are alone or with members of their household or,passengers who remain in their private vehicle while on board public transport, for example on a car ferry,a person who enters or is within a transport hub in a vehicle (other than a vehicle being used for the provision of a public transport service),an employee of the transport hub or the relevant public transport operator, when they are acting in the course of their employment,any other person providing services to the transport hub or public transport operator, under arrangements made with the transport hub or transport operator, who is providing those services,a constable or police community support officer acting in the course of their duty,an emergency responder such as a paramedic or fire officer acting in the course of their duty,an official, for example a border force officer, acting in the course of their duties,if you have a physical or mental illness or impairment, or a disability that means you cannot put on, wear or remove a face covering,if putting on, wearing or removing a face covering would cause you severe distress,if you are travelling with, or providing help to, someone who relies on lip reading to communicate,if you are travelling to avoid injury or escape the risk of harm, and you do not have a face covering with you,if you need to remove it during your journey to avoid harm or injury or the risk of harm or injury to yourself or others,if you need to eat, drink, or take medication on public transport,if you are asked to remove your face covering by a police officer or other official, for example to check your railcard.have I checked the latest travel advice from my transport operator?have I booked my travel ticket online, bought a pass or checked if contactless payment is possible?have I planned my journey to minimise crowded areas and allow for delays?am I taking the most direct route to my destination?a face covering -for longer journeys, take more than one face covering and a plastic bag for used face coverings,tickets, contactless payment card or pass,phone, if needed for travel updates, tickets, contactless payments. Use the AA's Time and Distance Calculator to find the most efficient route. This distance may be very much different from the actual travel distance.] Canada Driving Distance Calculator, calculates the Distance and Driving Directions between two addresses, places, cities, villages, towns or airports in Canada.Enter the "Distance From" city, village, town, airport or place name from Canada in the first text box.Enter the "Distance To" city, village, town, airport or place name from Canada in the second text box.You can also enter airport name or code from Canada in above fields.This will display the dropdown with suggested places in Canada; Select the desired Address /Place /City /Village /Town /Airport from both the dropdown lists. For example, in taxis and private hire vehicles. Depending on sea routes weather routing voyage planning vessels ships ports shipyards bunker consumption tide stations Calculate distances - nautical miles or kilometers for seagoing ships and vessels . A sixth fine and all subsequent fines will be £3,200.These laws apply while you are in England. For longer journeys, take more than one face covering and a plastic bag for used face coverings.Please be mindful that the wearing of a face covering may inhibit communication with people who rely on lip reading, facial expressions and clear sound.Use a ‘black bag’ waste bin or litter bin to.This will reduce pressure on public transport and the road network.Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds or sanitise your hands before and after cycling.Plan your route, including any breaks, before setting out. Distance Calculator – How far is it? Where this is not possible, use public transport or drive. Walking, cycling, and travelling in vehicles or on public transport during the coronavirus outbreak.This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology.You can help control coronavirus and travel safely by walking and cycling, if you can. You can also try a different route while coming back by adding multiple destinations.How to find the fastest road distance between two places?This distance calculator can find the fastest distance between any two locations. check the distance traveled in return. Travelmath helps you find driving distances based on actual directions for your road trip. During the coronavirus pandemic, it is more important than ever to.Your transport provider may put measures in place to help you follow the public health guidance of the destination country.You can complete it up to 48 hours before you enter the.The form is an online form. Enter the "Distance From" city, village, town, airport or place name from New South Wales (Australia) in the "Distance From" (first) text box. Allow more time if your journey involves changes between different forms of transport.The risk of transmission is small at 2 metres and where possible, you should maintain 2 metres distance.Help keep yourself, other passengers and transport staff safe by taking the following precautions:Treat transport staff with respect and follow instructions from your transport operator. keeping your distance when you travel, where possible avoiding the busiest routes, as well as busy times like the rush hour You should not travel at all if you: We’ll send you a link to a feedback form. Check.If you travel abroad, make sure you understand the:Check your specific plans with your airline, ferry, train operator and accommodation provider. of your directions.Do Distance Calculations on your Android smartphone. Enter the "Distance To" city, village, town, airport or place name from Canada in the second text box. You still need the distance, and you can get it this way: The second term drops out because v i = 0, so all you have to do is plug in the numbers: In other words, the total distance traveled is 402 meters, or a quarter mile. What is the distance calculator? The Distance Calculator can find distance between any two cities or locations available in The World Clock. If travelling from any other,You must also wear a face covering by law in.You are strongly encouraged to also wear a face covering in other enclosed spaces where it is difficult to maintain social distancing, or where there are people you do not normally meet. 上記urlより、アンケートのご協力をお願いいたします。 吉田正樹教授による本多劇場視察について (8/11更新). You will need an internet connection and details of your journey to complete it. What can I expect on a Course & Distance stable tour experience? You'll enjoy a trip to the gallops to watch the racehorses being put through their paces and enjoy an exclusive, informative and entertaining tour of the stables with the trainer to gain a true insight into what it takes to train a racehorse and prepare it for a race. SeaRoutes is a professional tool for route and distance calculation, voyage planning of seagoing vessels. '.Don’t include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details.To help us improve GOV.UK, we’d like to know more about your visit today. Using New South Wales (Australia) Distance Calculator and Driving Directions. You can get the distance between cities, airports, states, countries, or zip codes to figure out the best route to travel to your destination. The distance is calculated in kilometers, miles and nautical miles, and the initial compass bearing/heading from the origin to the destination. This includes:You are not allowed to get on public transport or enter substantially enclosed areas of transport hubs if you are not wearing a face covering, unless you have an.If you refuse to wear a face covering, you can receive a fine from the police or Transport for London enforcement officers. How to find the distance between two places?To find the distance between two places, enter the start and end destination and this distance calculator will give you complete distance Australia Distance Chart (Distance Table): For your quick reference, below is a Distance … Take care to.You should try not to share a vehicle with those outside your household or support bubble. Must be a quarter-mile racetrack. Maps can be difficult to use while planning your trip, with the advances in the internet we wanted to build a free tool that allows you to enter a street name or travel destination and get an exact estimate regarding your journey. Such as:You must also wear a face covering in other indoor settings.If you do not wear a face covering in these settings you will be breaking the law and could be fined. This distance may be very much different from the actual travel distance.] For example, you may be asked to sit in the back left-hand seat if travelling alone. Enter the "Distance From" city, village, town, airport or place name from Canada in the first text box. information. You can also help control coronavirus by:If you have symptoms of coronavirus, however mild, you should.If you have tested positive whilst not experiencing symptoms but develop symptoms during the isolation period, you should restart the 10 day isolation period from the day you develop symptoms.You should maintain a 2 metre distance where possible, because the risk of transmission is small at this distance.If you cannot keep a 2 metre distance, reduce the risk to yourself and others by maintaining a 1 metre distance where possible, and taking suitable precautions.Help keep yourself, other passengers and transport staff safe, by taking the following precautions:A face covering is a covering of any type which covers your nose and mouth. the globe is welcome to use the calculator, it was developed as a free tool distancesfrom.com can calculate the shortest distance and the fastest distance between any two cities or locations.How to find the shortest road distance between two places?To find the shortest road distance between to places, please enter the source and destination and then check for the shortest road distance At a later stage we wish to also distance -tour- 北九州・豊橋・札幌公演webアンケート (8/14更新). The fine for a first offence is £100, or £50 if you pay the fine within 14 days.Repeat offenders receiving fines either on public transport or in an indoor place will have their fines doubled on each subsequent offence up to a maximum value of £3,200. Using Canada Distance Calculator and Driving Directions.