AXA IM has launched AXA WF US High Yield Low Carbon Bonds fund, a fully ESG-integrated fund that will target companies with credible plans for reducing carbon and water intensity. AXA IM Exclusion Policies and Standards – Q1 Update . 1 Source: AXA IM as at 31/03/2017. Connect with AXA SSO or. Username. At AXA IM, we believe that engaging with our investee companies is a vital component of our approach to responsible investment. Password. From green bonds and impact investing to timely views on climate change and regulation, AXA IM’s ESG offering is both comprehensive and innovative. Also, ESG Leaders had lower volatility than the ESG Laggards. AXA IM adds low-carbon US high yield fund. They can also receive ESG scoring and footprint analysis. The fund will exclude many of the most carbon intensive sectors such as metals, mining, … ESG-Integration. Enter your email address. At AXA IM, we define responsible investing (RI) as an investment process that incorporates environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into its approach. ESG embedded asset are those that benefit from AXA IM’s active stewardship, exclusion policies, applicable to certain clients, on controversial weapons, coal, and non-RSPO palm oil. Earlier this year, we published an analysis of how our various exclusion policies and ESG investment standards at AXA IM had affected our investment returns[5] over time. [1] For more please refer to AXA Investment Managers’ “ESG and financial returns – The academic perspective” July 2019. Explore this section 2017/18 RI Annual Review; Insights hub Media center Media center. We re-ran the same analysis for Q1 2020. In order to integrate ESG analysis, fund managers are given access to proprietary ESG scores, as well as additional ESG data and research. [2] Alongside Yo Takatsuki and Ryohei Yanagi, Theo Kotula, Danika Matheron and Jules Arnaud of the AXA Investment Managers’ Responsible Investment team contributed extensively to … ... AXA IM Switzerland Ltd. is authorised as well as regulated by the Eidgenössische Finanzmarktaufsicht FINMA and … AXA Investment Managers has created two new teams for ESG research and governance to help unify its approach to responsible investing across its business units.. From 1 March 2021 Virginie Derue will oversee a team responsible for thematic research on climate, biodiversity, human capital and diversity as well as health, and make sure this research can be applied to investment decisions. Forgotten password ? Connect Deepki Ready. RI enables clients to align their investments with global megatrends that are changing the investment landscape. In addition, the ESG scores of companies will be considered in the investment process which include screening measures to minimise exposure to companies with low ESG scores. Axa Investment Managers has launched its first low-carbon fund targeting US high yield and integrating ESG (environmental, social, and governance) criteria. Our decision to fully integrate ESG (environmental, social and governance) across our strategies comes from a number of beliefs. Notably, these results are only significant for green bonds that are certified by independent third parties (usually ESG rating agencies). Engagement. AXA IM managed €442bn ($504bn) of ESG-integrated assets (approximately 60% of the total assets under management), of which €16.8bn were considered “sustainable investing” assets as at June 2018. Enter your mail address to get your temporary password. Log in with another account.