The fact that the man in the mask served as a valet is an important one. How serious he was is hard to say. La plus ancienne civilisation de Méso-Amérique. The prisoner died on November 19, 1703, and was buried the next day under the name of Marchioly. C'est de ce moment que naît le mystère. C'est l'énigme par excellence, l'affaire qui a vu s'affronter des générations d'historiens, et enflammé l'imagination des romanciers et des cinéastes. Lieutenant du Junca, another officer of the Bastille, noted that the prisoner wore "a mask of black velvet". Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He scandalized visiting dignitaries by receiving them while viewing pornographic homosexual theatrical productions created for his entertainment, avoiding attempts by Richelieu to try to get the Queen under the same roof as the King for at least one night. By that means the public could dismiss the unacceptable moral situation described in the darker rumors about him. L'homme au masque de fer by Topin, Marius Jean François, 1838-1895. The Man in the Iron Mask (French: L'Homme au Masque de Fer) is a name given to a prisoner arrested as Eustache Dauger in 1669, held in a number of jails, including the Bastille and the Fortress of Pignerol (today Pinerolo), since he was always held in the custody of Bénigne Dauvergne de Saint-Mars, for a period of 34 years and who died on 19 November, 1703 under the name of Marchioly, during the reign … On le traite comme le gibier ordinaire des prisons d'État : petits espions, agents doubles, empoisonneurs, qu'on s'interdit de tuer – car ce n'est pas dans les habitudes du temps – , mais que l'on enfouit à tout jamais dans un cul-de-basse-fosse en vertu d'une lettre de cachet. L'Homme au masque de fer serait un des quatre prisonniers qu'aurait emporté l'officier St Mars au cours de son périple de plusieurs prisons, jusqu'à la Bastille où le prisonnier, on est certain, finira ses jours en 1703 et sera enterré sous le nom emprunté - soit disant - à un domestique comme le voulait la tradition de la Bastille à l'époque - Marchiali. He was placed in a solitary cell in the pre-furnished third chamber of the Bertaudière tower. Le prisonnier lui sert de faire-valoir. L'Homme au masque de fer est l'un des prisonniers les plus fameux de l'histoire française. Le mystère entourant son existence, ainsi que les différents films et romans dont il a fait l'objet, n'ont cessé d'exciter les imaginations. Other sources, however, claim that Bulonde's arrest was no secret, was actually published in a newspaper at the time and that he was released after just a few months. Dans son journal, il précise simplement que c'est un “ancien prisonnier” que le gouverneur gardait déjà à Pignerol, “lequel il fait tenir toujours masqué, dont le nom ne se dit pas”. Life. An inscription claimed that his name was "Fouquet". Other popular suspects have included men known to have been held at Pignerol at the same time as Dauger. de la tour d'en bas”. According to the caption on the original (not seen here) the Man in the Iron Mask was Louis de Bourbon, comte de Vermandois, an illegitimate son of Louis XIV. She described him as very devout, and that he was well treated and received everything he desired. In the second edition of his Questions sur l'Encyclopédie (French for "Questions on the Encyclopaedia"), published in 1771, the writer and philosopher Voltaire claimed that the prisoner wore an iron mask and was the older, illegitimate brother of Louis XIV. Sous la Révolution, la thèse du frère aîné se transforme en celle d'un jumeau. This was the Duke of Monmouth. Rautanaamion arvoitusta ovat käsitelleet useat kirjailijat ja tutkijat. Later, when the King's flagrant indiscretions became so widely known that the stability of the throne was threatened, it was decided to acknowledge many of the so-called illegitimate heirs of Louis XIII. L'affaire est lancée dans le public par Voltaire dans son très sérieux Siècle de Louis XIV, publié en 1751. Louis XIV n'a pas eu de frère jumeau ou utérin, enfermé et masqué à cause de sa trop frappante ressemblance. It is said that during the reign of King Louis XIV, this man was held in the Bastille and other French jails for several decades until he died in 1703. Lauzun was freed in 1681. This discovery has since been discredited, however, and it is supposed that it was an attempt by the leaders of the Revolution to make up for the fact that there were no actual political prisoners in the Bastille at the time of its taking. Theories about his identity made at the time included that he was a Marshal of France; or the English Richard Cromwell, son of Oliver Cromwell; or François, Duke of Beaufort. À mesure que le temps passe, l'importance du secret paraît diminuer. One of the letters written by Louvois made specific reference to de Bulonde's crime. He was an Italian diplomat who, in 1678, acted on behalf of the debt-ridden Charles IV, Duke of Mantua, in the selling of Casale, a strategic fortified town near the border with France. Louis XIV was furious and in another of the letters specifically ordered him "to be conducted to the fortress at Pignerol where he will be locked in a cell and under guard at night, and permitted to walk the battlements during the day with a 330 309". Le Mystère de la Fortune de l'Abbé Saunière. In 1711, King Louis's sister-in-law, the Princess Palatine, sent a letter to her aunt, Sophia, Electress of Hanover, stating that the prisoner had "two musketeers at his side to kill him if he removed his mask". He went there, taking Dauger and La Riviere with him. This article addresses one description of the mysterious prisoner called L’Homme au masque de fer written in a letter, dated 19 July 1669, by the government official who oversaw his transfer to prison, Louis XIV’s (1638–1715) twenty-eight-year-old secretary for war, François-Michel Le Tellier, the marquis de Louvois (1641–1691). Des partisans se réclamant du “légitimisme” soutiendront sa cause dans des revues, dont l'une s'appelait Le Masque de fer. Saint-Mars himself was to see Dauger only once a day in order to provide food and whatever else he needed. Des Signes Prémonitoires Auraient Annoncés Sa Mort ? Non, le prisonnier n'est pas le duc de Beaufort, ni tel autre grand seigneur, ni Molière, ni le Page noir, prétendu amant de la reine Marie-Thérèse, mais un obscur valet, Eustache Dauger. The Man in the Iron Mask (French: L'Homme au Masque de Fer) is a name given to a prisoner arrested as Eustache Dauger in 1669 or 1670, and held in a number of jails, including the Bastille and the Fortress of Pignerol (today Pinerolo). L'effet est immédiat et les salons ne cessent de bruire de cette étrange histoire. Les Trous Noirs Sont Des Brèches Temporels ? Les Crimes Bleus. Le Secret du Masque de fer Le Secret du Masque de fer (The Secret of the Iron mask) is a historical essay by French novelist Marcel Pagnol, who identified the famous prisoner in the iron mask as the twin brother of Louis XIV, born after him and imprisoned for life in 1669 for having conspired against the King. Louvois instructed Saint-Mars to move Lauzun to Fouquet's cell and to tell him that Dauger and La Rivière had been released. There was also Nicolas Fouquet, Marquis of Belle-Île, a former government minister, surintendant des finances, who had been jailed by Louis XIV on the charge of embezzlement; and the Marquis de Lauzun, who had become engaged to the Duchess of Montpensier, a cousin of the King, without the King's consent. Qui sont les bâtisseurs et quels raisons avaient-ils ? The French took possession of Casale two years later. Fouquet himself has been considered, but the fact that Dauger is known to have served as his valet makes this unlikely. Evidence has been produced to suggest that the arrest was actually made in Calais and that not even the local governor was informed of the event — Vauroy's absence being explained away by him hunting for Spanish soldiers who had strayed into France via the Spanish Netherlands. Andrew Lang, in his The Valet's Tragedy and Other Stories (1903), presented a theory that "Eustache Dauger" was a prison pseudonym of a man called "Martin", valet of the Huguenot Roux de Marsilly. Qui donc était l'homme au Masque de fer ? L'homme au masque de fer reste en ce lieu jusqu'en septembre 1698, date à laquelle il est conduit à la Bastille, dont Saint-Mars vient d'être nommé gouverneur. Enrique Laso. Les Mystères du peuple. L'homme au masque de fer reste en ce lieu jusqu'en septembre 1698, date à laquelle il est conduit à la Bastille, dont Saint-Mars vient d'être nommé gouverneur. Athos s'est retiré sur ses terres et consacre son temps à l'éducation de son fils Raoul ; Aramis est devenu général des jésuites ; Porthos se languit en attendant l'occasion de ferrailler. Qui était donc ce mystérieux personnage, caché derrière un masque de fer, ou plus vraisemblablement de velours, mort à la Bastille en 1703 après plus de trente ans de détention ? A new exhibition titled “ L’Homme au masque de fer: Un secret d’État” at Cannes’ Musée de la Mer on Île Sainte-Marguerite, the very place he had been incarcerated in secrecy from 1687 to 1698 on the orders of King Louis XIV, has a closer look at the mysterious prisoner and the reality behind the legend. de Saint-Mars a transporté par ordre du roi un prisonnier d'État de Pignerol à l'île Sainte-Marguerite ; personne ne sait qui il est ; il y a défense de dire son nom et ordre de le tuer s'il le prononce (...) ; il était enfermé dans une chaise à porteurs, ayant un masque de fer sur le visage, et tout ce qu'on a pu savoir de Saint-Mars était que ce prisonnier était depuis de longues années à Pignerol et que tous les gens que le public croit morts ne le sont pas...” Le voyage de ce mystérieux captif jusqu'à son lieu de détention, le fort de l'île Sainte-Marguerite, en face de Cannes, alors modeste port de pêche, ne s'est pas fait sans mise en scène. L'enfant serait né clandestinement à Saint-Germain quelques instants après son frère, alors que la cour, tout à sa joie, congratulait Louis XIII de la venue d'un dauphin si longtemps attendu. Louis XIV could have imprisoned him because he knew too much about French affairs with England. Un complot meurtrier déguisé en suicide ? L'Empereur, amusé par cette savoureuse galéjade, avouera, dans le Mémorial de Sainte-Hélène, avoir entendu parler de cette rumeur, ajoutant que la “crédulité des hommes est telle, leur amour du merveilleux si fort qu'il n'eût pas été difficile d'établir quelque chose de la sorte pour la multitude...” Avant la guerre de 1914, un prêtre de Marseille, l'abbé Félix de Valois, prétendra, lui aussi, descendre de ce frère caché et revendiquera le trône de France ! Acheminé en Corse dans la plus grande discrétion, l'enfant y devient tout naturellement “Buonaparte” ! In 1801 revolutionary legislator Roux Fazaillac stated that the tale of the masked prisoner was an amalgamation of the fates of two separate prisoners, Ercole Antonio Mattioli (see below) and an imprisoned valet named "Eustache D'auger". C'est alors que, pris par une frénésie de bavardage, le geôlier se met à inventer des “contes jaunes”, qui le valorisent et flattent sa vanité. Collection library_of_congress; americana Digitizing sponsor The Library of Congress Contributor The Library of Congress Language French. The real Man in the Iron Mask (L’Homme au Masque de Fer) was a Frenchman arrested in 1669 (or possibly 1670) under the name Eustache Dauger. Au château de Palteau, près de Sens, le convoi fait une courte halte. $1.99 . “L’Homme au Masque de Fer” (“The Man in the Iron Mask”). Oui, il garde quelqu'un de la plus haute importance, qui n'a qu'à dire son nom pour recevoir un coup de pistolet dans la tête ! Some believe that the evidence of the letters means that there is now little need of an alternative explanation for the man in the mask. La correspondance de Saint-Mars avec son ministre de tutelle, Louvois, et les comptes des prisons dissipent le halo légendaire et font apparaître une réalité plus banale. Dauger was not always isolated from the other prisoners. Meurtre à la ligne (Les enquêtes de Frank Meyer) Alain Ruiz. What actual facts are known about this prisoner are based mainly on correspondence between his jailer and his superiors in Paris. À Grasse, des badauds l'ont aperçu avec son masque de fer, sortant d'une chaise à porteurs couverte de toile cirée, escortée de plusieurs soldats. Louvois instructed Saint-Mars to prepare a cell with multiple doors, one closing upon the other, which were to prevent anyone from the outside listening in. [from old catalog] Publication date 1870 Topics Mattioli, Ercole Antonio, conte, 1640-1703 Publisher Paris, Didier et cie [etc.] Finally the Queen and her retinue arrived at the same location as the King and it was on that occasion (and perhaps for several days after) that Louis, willing to sacrifice all for the royal succession, bedded the Queen. Se Manifester À Deux Endroits Simultanément ? It has even been suggested that he was one of the other famous contemporary prisoners being held at Pignerol at the same time as Dauger. Rautanaamion arvoitusta ovat käsitelleet useat kirjailijat ja tutkijat. Later that same year Saint-Mars was appointed governor of the prison fortress of Exiles (now Exilles in Italy). In his letter, Louvois informed Saint-Mars that a prisoner named Eustache Dauger was due to arrive in the next month or so. L'Homme au Masque de Fer ... Dauger. It has been suggested that the "330" stood for masque and the 309 for "full stop". L'homme au masque de fer-Marius Jean François Topin 1870 L’Homme au Masque de Fer-Arthur Bernède 2013-03-08 L’homme au masque de fer est l'un des prisonniers les plus fameux de l'histoire française. En mars 1680, à la mort de l'ancien surintendant, on craint des fuites. “L’Homme au Masque de Fer” (“The Man in the Iron Mask”). Njeriu në Maskën e Hekurit (Frëngjisht: L'Homme au Masque de Fer; rreth vitit 1640 – 19 nëntor 1703) është emri i dhënë i një të burgosuri të paidentifikuar i cili u arrestua në vitin 1669 ose 1670 dhe më pas u mbajt në një numër të burgjeve franceze, duke përfshirë Bastille dhe Kështjellën e Pignerol (Pinerolo moderne, Itali). Le fort dresse toujours sa silhouette trapue sur un escarpement rocheux. Les célèbres mousquetaires se sont séparés. Le siècle des Lumières en fait le symbole de l'arbitraire et du despotisme royaux. At the time, the heir presumptive was Louis XIII's brother Gaston d'Orléans, who was also Richelieu's enemy. L'Homme au masque de fer - films sur La Riviere's death was reported in January 1687 and in May Saint-Mars and Dauger moved to Sainte-Marguerite, one of the Lérins Islands. Afin de démonétiser ses éventuels bavardages, Louvois ordonne à Saint-Mars de l'enfermer à nouveau et d'annoncer partout qu'il a été libéré. La zone militaire la plus secrète et isolée. Within a normal interim the Queen gave birth to the child who became Louis XIV. AllSeanson 69,952 views. Jolie trouvaille ! Disons-le, aucun historien sérieux n'admet aujourd'hui ces thèses fantaisistes. A Protestant, he led a rebellion against his uncle, the Catholic King James II. The Man in the Iron Mask (French: L'Homme au Masque de Fer; c. 1640 – 19 November 1703) was an unidentified prisoner who was arrested in 1669 or 1670 and subsequently held in a number of French prisons, including the Bastille and the Fortress of Pignerol (modern Pinerolo, Italy). This theory would explain both the secrecy surrounding the prisoner, whose true identity would have destroyed the legitimacy of Louis XIV had it been revealed, and (because of the King's respect for his own father) the comfort of the terms of his imprisonment. À la Bastille, même Du Junca, deuxième personnage de la forteresse, ignore son identité. En 1686, Saint-Mars, qui a perdu ses pensionnaires de marque, Fouquet et Lauzun, est nommé gouverneur de l'île Sainte-Marguerite, où il doit se rendre avec son “ancien prisonnier”. Prières Bien Etre & Sur le registre paroissial, on l'inscrit sous le nom de “Marchioly”, sans prénom, “âgé de quarante-cinq ans ou environ”. Aiheesta on tehty useita elokuvia. According to many versions of this legend, the prisoner wore the mask at all times. Publication date 1883 Topics Mattioli, Ercole Antonio, 1640-1703 Publisher Paris, Didier et cie [etc.] Since the prisoner is known to have been buried under the name "Marchioly", many believe that this is proof enough that he was the man in the mask. (Redirected from The Man in the Iron Mask) L'Homme au Masque de Fer (The Man in the Iron Mask). The Man in the Iron Mask (French: L'Homme au Masque de Fer) is a name given to a prisoner arrested as Eustache Dauger in 1669, held in a number of jails, including the Bastille and the Fortress of Pignerol (today Pinerolo), since he was always held in the custody of Bénigne Dauvergne de Saint-Mars, for a period of 34 years and who died on 19 November, 1703 under the name of Marchioly, during the reign of Louis XIV of France 1643-1715. Au château de Palteau, près de Sens, le convoi fait une courte halte. L'homme au masque de fer est un des prisonnier les plus fameux de l'histoire française Le mystère entourant son existence n'ont cessé d'alimenter les imaginations . Jamais il n'a reçu semblable consigne. In the late 1840s, the writer Alexandre Dumas elaborated on the theme in the final installment of his Three Musketeers saga: here the prisoner is forced to wear an iron mask and is Louis XIV's twin brother. Sa pension mensuelle n'est que de 165 livres par mois, celles de Fouquet et de Lauzun, deux autres prisonniers célèbres de Pignerol, de 500 et 600 livres. Qui sont les écrivains des deux testaments ? L’homme au masque de fer ’mies rautaisessa naamiossa’, syntymäaika tuntematon, kuoli 19. marraskuuta 1703) oli Ranskan eri vankiloissa Ludvig XIV:n valtakaudella pidetty vanki, jonka henkilöllisyys on sitovasti ratkaisematta. Nota Bene Recommended for you. Some were presented after the existence of the letters was widely known. Louis XIII was known to be a flamboyant homosexual who could not tolerate the presence of women. In his letters to Louvois, Saint-Mars describes Dauger as a quiet man, giving no trouble, "disposed to the will of God and to the king", compared to his other prisoners who were either always complaining, constantly trying to escape, or simply mad. His death is also recorded as happening in 1709, six years after that of the man in the mask. Synopsis. Le mystère entourant son existence, ainsi que les différents films et . Enigme d'un Assassin. If Gaston became King, Richelieu would quite likely have lost both his job as minister and his life, so it was in his interests to thwart Gaston's ambitions. Rautanaamio eli Rautanaamari (ransk. There are almost a hundred theories in existence and many books have been written about the case. Le Plus Grand Scandale Politique des États-Unis. Saint-Mars's other prisoners at Pignerol included Count Ercole Antonio Mattioli (or Matthioli), an Italian diplomat who had been kidnapped and jailed for double-crossing the French over the purchase of the important fortress town of Casale on the Italian border. During the taking of the Bastille during the French Revolution of 1789, it was reported that a skeleton was found, still chained to the wall, and with an iron mask next to him. Historians have noted that the name Eustache Dauger was written in a different handwriting to the rest of the text, suggesting that while a clerk wrote the letter under Louvois's dictation, a third party, very likely the minister himself, added the name afterwards. After Fouquet's death in 1680, Saint-Mars discovered a secret hole between Fouquet and Lauzun's cells. En plein règne de Louis XIV, en septembre 1687, une feuille manuscrite circulant sous le manteau se fait l'écho d'un événement sensationnel : “M. It might be noted though that the prisoner had already been dead for eight years and that the Princess had not necessarily seen him for herself. But in 1768 a writer named Saint-Foix claimed that another man was executed in his place and that Monmouth became the masked prisoner, it being in Louis XIV's interests to assist a fellow Catholic like James who would not necessarily want to kill his own nephew. $2.21 . The government minister L'écrivain y revient à plusieurs reprises dans ses écrits, mais ce n'est qu'en 1771, dans les Questions sur l'Encyclopédie, qu'il se résout, par l'intermédiaire d'une note de l'éditeur, à révéler ce qu'il a “appris” : l'homme au Masque de fer, de grande taille comme Louis XIV, qui avait la peau un peu brune comme lui, doué d'une voix harmonieuse comme lui, aimant le linge fin comme Anne d'Autriche, serait un fils adultérin de la reine, né avant Louis XIV ! Au lieu de le transférer discrètement, il choisit une chaise à porteurs – mode de transport aristocratique – couverte de toile cirée et affuble son malheureux captif d'un masque de fer. L'homme au masque de fer by Topin, Marius Jean François, 1838-1895. Alexandre Dumas used this theory in his book, The Vicomte de Bragelonne, but made the prisoner a twin brother. $0.99 . In The Man of the Mask (1908), Arthur Barnes presents James de la Cloche, the alleged illegitimate son of the reluctant Protestant Charles II of England, who would have been his father's secret intermediary with the Catholic court of France. On September 18, 1698, Saint-Mars took up his new post as governor of the Bastille prison in Paris, bringing the masked prisoner with him. Another candidate, much favoured in the 19th-century, was Fouquet's fellow prisoner Count Ercole Antonio Mattioli (or Matthioli). The first surviving records of the masked prisoner are from late July 1669, when Louis XIV's minister the Marquis de Louvois sent a letter to Bénigne Dauvergne de Saint-Mars, governor of the prison of Pignerol, then part of France. Voltaire claimed that the prisoner was a son of Anne of Austria and Cardinal Mazarin, and therefore an illegitimate half-brother of King Louis XIV. Eustache var født 30.august 1637 som en af seks brødre, der alle blev soldater. L'homme au masque de fer - Duration: 2:29. Extrait de son cachot, Dauger reste près de cinq ans au service de Nicolas Fouquet, sous condition de ne parler à personne en particulier. The man himself was arrested by Captain Alexandre de Vauroy, garrison commander of Dunkirk, and taken to Pignerol where he arrived in late August. Fire blev dræbt i forskellige slag, men brødrene Eustache og Louis overlevede. Anonymous print (etching and mezzotint, hand-colored) from 1789. According to this theory, the 'miraculous' birth of Louis XIV in 1638, after Louis XIII had been estranged from his wife for over twenty years, implies that Louis XIII was not the father. Hello Select your address Best Sellers Today's Deals Electronics Customer Service Books New Releases Home Gift Ideas Computers Gift Cards Sell (Saint-Foix's case was based on unsubstantiated rumours, and allegations that Monmouth's execution was faked.). 2:29. Who was the man of the iron mask - Kids Question #9 - Duration: 2:57. Qui Est Cette Femme Au Sourire Enigmatique ? Ainsi est né le mythe... Sans le savoir, le vieux militaire, vaniteux et frustré, s'est révélé être l'un des plus fabuleux manipulateurs de l'Histoire. Hugh Ross Williamson argues that the man in the iron mask was actually the father of Louis XIV. After three years Bazeries managed to read some messages in the Great Cipher of Louis XIV. Claudio Ruggeri. Tout est fait pour laisser penser que c'est quelqu'un de très important. The first rumours of the prisoner's identity (as a Marshal of France) began to circulate at this point. Comme tous les pensionnaires de la célèbre forteresse, l'homme est enterré au cimetière Saint-Paul. Mattioli was kidnapped by the French and thrown into nearby Pignerol in April 1679. $1.99 . He then left the army and purchased a post as "maître des eaux et forêts" in Rennes. Germain-François Poullain de Saint-Foix (5 February 1698 – 25 August 1776) was an 18th-century French writer and playwright. As a result even many otherwise responsible genealogists today accept these illegitimate "heirs" of Louis XIII. His book, published in English in 1826, was also translated into French and published in 1830. One of Charles's confirmed illegitimate sons has also been proposed as the man in the mask. Because a French occupation would be unpopular, discretion was essential, but, after pocketing his commission once the sale had been concluded, Mattioli leaked the details to France's Spanish enemies who made a bid of their own before the French forces could occupy the town. In fact they were held in another cell in another part of the prison, their presence there being highly secret. Later commentators have still presented their own theories, possibly based on embellished versions of the original tale. One of them referred to a prisoner and identified him as General Vivien de Bulonde. Collection universityofottawa; toronto Digitizing sponsor University of Ottawa Contributor University of Ottawa Language French. Lending credence to the theory that the man in the mask was the father of Louis XIV are the facts recorded by Will and Ariel Durant. He was held in the For years, his identity remained unknown, as was the reason of why he was in jail. The prison at Pignerol, like the others at which Dauger was later held, was used for men who were considered an embarrassment to the state and usually only had a handful of prisoners at a time. Sur les contrôles des prisons, on ne désigne plus Eustache Dauger que sous le nom de “M. The rebellion failed and Monmouth was executed in 1685. The fate of the mysterious prisoner — and the extent of apparent precautions his jailers took — created much interest and many legends. He was sure that they had communicated through this hole without supervision by him or his guards and thus that Lauzun must have been made aware of Dauger's existence. All his furniture and clothing were reportedly destroyed afterwards. Again, he was placed in a cell with multiple doors. At the Siege of Cuneo in 1691, Bulonde was concerned about enemy troops arriving from Austria and ordered a hasty withdrawal, leaving behind his munitions and wounded men. On y montre la cellule de l'inconnu : une grande chambre de trente mètres carrés environ, sombre et humide, dont la fenêtre, protégée par trois rangées de grilles, s'ouvre sur la baie. Historians have also argued that 17th-century protocol made it unthinkable that a man of royal blood would serve as a manservant — thus very much discrediting those suggestions that Dauger was in any way related to the king. It is this book that has been adapted for the many film versions of the story. These servants, however, would become as much prisoners as their masters and it was thus difficult to find people willing to volunteer for such an occupation. L'explication a la faveur des romanciers : Alexandre Dumas, dans son Vicomte de Bragelonne, mais aussi Alfred de Vigny, Victor Hugo, sans oublier, plus récemment, Marcel Pagnol... Sous le Premier Empire, des bruits courent que l'Empereur descend de l'infortuné frère jumeau et de la fille d'un des gardiens, nommé Bompart. Since that time, letters purportedly sent by Saint-Mars, which earlier historians evidently missed, indicate that Mattioli was only held at Pignerol and Sainte-Marguerite. The dates of the letters fit the dates of the original records about the man in the mask. However, in 17th-century French avec un masque would mean "with a person in a mask". Fouquet was never expected to be released, thus meeting Dauger was no great matter, but Lauzun was expected to be set free eventually and it would have been important not to have him spread rumours of Dauger's existence. In 1890 Louis Gendron, a French military historian, came across some coded letters and passed them on to Etienne Bazeries in the French Army's cryptographic department. Aiheesta on tehty useita elokuvia. 2:57. The possible identity of this man has been thoroughly discussed and been the subject of many books, mainly because no one ever saw his face, that was hidden by a mask of black velvet cloth. Underground Archive Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. The King's relative The prison's second-in-command, de Rosarges, was to feed him. Later, many people such as Voltaire and Alexandre Dumas put forward other theories about the man in the mask. In fact there were only a handful of people serving time for forgery and a couple of lunatics.