[3], Therefore, third-party figures are deemed most reliable. "[42] The rest of the American press called for action to help the Armenians and to remove, "if not by political action than by resort to the knife... the fever spot of the Turkish Empire. Faute de pouvoir y mettre un terme, le sultan Abdülhamid leur donnait une quasi-caution officielle. Les massacres hamidiens renvoient à la première série d'actes criminels de grande ampleur perpétrés contre les Arméniens de l'Empire ottoman. Many were fearfully mangled and mutilated. Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License (CC-BY-SA). Jean Jaurès dénonce le massacre des populations arméniennes dans un discours à la Chambre des députés le 3 novembre 1896[13],[14]. ○   jokers, mots-croisés The Armenians sent a delegation led by Mkrtich Khrimian to the 1878 Congress of Berlin to lobby the European powers to include proper safeguards for their kinsmen in the eventual peace agreement. Les massacres commencèrent en 1894 pour gagner en ampleur dans les années 1894-1895 et diminuer progressivement en 1897 devant la pression exercée par les condamnations internationales. Many were fearfully mangled and mutilated. [21], The Great Powers (Britain, France, Russia) forced Hamid to sign a new reform package designed to curtail the powers of the Hamidiye in October 1895 which, like the Berlin treaty, was never implemented. Les Arméniens font face à l'armée ottomane et aux irréguliers kurdes au Sassoun, mais doivent se rendre devant la supériorité des adversaires et l'assurance turque d'une amnistie qui ne sera jamais respectée[6]. Bien que l'historiographie traditionnelle occidentale tende à lui attribuer ses massacres, le sultan en personne ne les a jamais commandités. extrait du Livre jaune.M. [19], In response to the resistance at Sasun, the governor of Mush responded by inciting the local Muslims against the Armenians. The Armenians of the empire, who were long considered second-class citizens, had begun in the mid-1860s and early 1870s to ask for civil reforms and better treatment from government. La police ottomane disperse violemment la foule[8]. This persecution strengthened nationalistic sentiment among Armenians. Les massacres hamidiens renvoient à la première série d'actes criminels de grande ampleur perpétrés contre les Arméniens de l'Empire ottoman. "[10] Turkish historian and Abdul Hamid biographer Osman Nuri observed, "The mere mention of the word 'reform' irritated him [Abdul Hamid], inciting his criminal instincts. The one fellow leader Herzl sought to enlist, Max Nordau, replied with a one-word telegram 'No'. "The Armenian Question in the Ottoman Empire," pp. In December 1900, the USS Kentucky called at the port of Smyrna, where its captain, "Red Bill" Kirkland, delivered the following warning, somewhat softened by his translator, to its governor: "If these massacres continue I'll be swuzzled if I won't someday forget my order… and find some pretext to hammer a few Turkish towns… I'd keel-haul every blithering mother's son of a Turk that wears hair. [43] The massacres were an important item on the agenda of the United States President Grover Cleveland, and in his presidential platform for 1896, Republican candidate William McKinley listed the saving of the Armenians as one of his top priorities in foreign policy. L'historien turc et biographe d'Abdülhamid, Osman Nuri, observe que « la simple mention du mot “réforme” irrite Abdul Hamid, et excite ses instincts criminels »[5]. The Hamidian massacres (Armenian: Համիդյան ջարդեր, Turkish: Hamidiye Katliamı, French: Massacres hamidiens), also referred to as the Armenian Massacres of 1894–1896[2] and Armenian genocide,[2] were massacres of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire that took place in the mid-1890s. The violence spread and affected most of the Armenian towns in the Ottoman Empire. The killings continued until 1897. <> Dépouilles d'Arméniens au cimetière d'Erzeroum, 1895, La Turquie et les atrocités arméniennes, d'après un témoin oculaire, 1896, Orphelins et rescapées, publication de 1917. +5͗��Jy����+�]l�&��"�Z�ְ]Q�XQ���V�{�.n��[m�V�)� ~�bY\yS�+���E������\���'�`iZׇ��]�r#�p�KX�������G��#De"&{=/��{����)�s�6���rN�Q��F���l�Z%��?���=>$W "[11] Upon hearing of the Armenian delegation's visit to Berlin in 1878, he bitterly remarked, "Such great impudence...Such great treachery toward religion and state...May they be cursed upon by God. Lettris est un jeu de lettres gravitationnelles proche de Tetris. stream L'historien turc et biographe d'Abdülhamid, Osman Nuri, observe que « la simple mention du mot “réforme” irrite Abdul Hamid, et excite ses instincts criminels »[5]. The French diplomatic correspondence shows that the Hamidiye carried out massacres not only of Armenians but also of Assyrians living in Diyarbakir, Hasankeyf, Sivas and other parts of Anatolia. [56], Inaccurate reportage by the Ottoman government, Quoted in Stephan Astourian, "On the Genealogy of the Armenian-Turkish Conflict, Sultan Abdülhamid, and the Armenian Massacres,". Made up mainly of Kurdish tribes, but also of Turks, Yöruk, Arabs, Turkmens and Circassians, and armed by the state, they came to be called the Hamidiye Alaylari ("Hamidian Regiments"). Hovannisian. La nouvelle des massacres est largement rapportée en Europe et aux États-Unis et suscite de vives réactions de la part des gouvernements étrangers et des organisations humanitaires. Hunchak activists, such as Mihran Damadian, Hampartsoum Boyadjian, and Hrayr, encouraged resistance against double taxation and Ottoman persecution. The Ottoman government closed Armenian societies and restricted Armenian political movements. Les provinces orientales de l'Asie Mineure étaient une zone d'insécurité eu égard à la faiblesse de l'empire. One I saw whose whole chest had been skinned, his fore-arms were cut off, while the upper arm was skinned of flesh. L'Alaylari Hamidiye a en effet perpétré des massacres d'Assyriens à Diyarbakir, Hasankeyef, Sivas et d'autres parties de l'Anatolie[12]. Astourian, Stepan (2011). Massacres hamidiens, 1894-1896. Thousands were killed at the hands of their Muslim neighbors and government soldiers, and many more died during the cold winter of 1895–96. "Outrage and Imperialism, Confusion and Indifference: Punch and the Armenian Massacres of 1894-1896." Cette persécution renforce le sentiment nationaliste parmi les Arméniens. The Zionist leader Theodor Herzl responded ecstatically to Abdul Hamid's personal request to harness "Jewish power" in order to undermine the widespread sympathy felt for Armenians in Europe. Quoted in Astourian, "On the Genealogy of the Armenian-Turkish Conflict," p. 195. L'hostilité envers les Arméniens se nourrit de la position de plus en plus précaire de l'Empire ottoman au cours du dernier quart du XIXe siècle. [49], Despite the great public sympathy that was felt for the Armenians in Europe, none of the European powers took concrete action to alleviate their plight. in, Last edited on 27 September 2020, at 23:36, A Shameful Act: The Armenian Genocide and the Question of Turkish Responsibility, "Fifty Thousand Orphans made So by the Turkish Massacres of Armenians", The Burning Tigris: The Armenian Genocide and America's Response, Native Christians Massacred: The Ottoman Genocide of the Assyrians During World War I, 'The Armenian Question Is Finally Closed': Mass Conversions of Armenians in Anatolia during the Hamidian Massacres of 1895–1897, Power, Faith, and Fantasy: America in the Middle East 1776 to the Present, King Leopold's Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror, and Heroism in Colonial Africa, 'Down in Turkey, Far Away,': Human Rights, the Armenian Massacres, and Orientalism in Wilhelmine Germany, A Shameful Act : The Armenian Genocide and the Question of Turkish Responsibility, Documents diplomatiques: Affaires arméniennes. The Armenians of the empire, who were long considered second-class citizens, had begun in the mid-1860s and early 1870s to ask for civil reforms and better treatment from government. Jouer, Dictionnaire de la langue françaisePrincipales Références. This persecution strengthened nationalistic sentiment among Armenians. "[42] King Leopold II of Belgium told British Prime Minister Salisbury that he was prepared to send his Congolese Force Publique to "invade and occupy" Armenia. En octobre 1895, les grandes puissances (Grande-Bretagne, France et Russie) interviennent auprès du sultan pour qu'il réduise les pouvoirs de l'Alaylari Hamidiye. The hospital authorities made attempts to pass off wounded Christians as Mussulmans. PENDANT LES MASSACRES. It was estimated casualties ranged from 80,000 to 300,000, resulting in 50,000 orphaned children. Certains groupes non-arméniens ont également été poursuivis pendant ces trois années. It is a most remarkable story, and the discrepancies are as thick as leaves in Valambrosa. [4] The massacres are named after Sultan Abdul Hamid II, who, in his efforts to maintain the imperial domain of the collapsing Ottoman Empire, reasserted Pan-Islamism as a state ideology. "Under no circumstances," he wrote, "are the Armenians to learn that we want to use them in order to erect a Jewish state. Les cookies nous aident à fournir les services. Tous les révolutionnaires arméniens ont été tués ou se sont exilés en Russie. Le sultan n'était cependant pas prêt à renoncer à son pouvoir. Dépouilles d'Arméniens au cimetière d'Erzeroum, 1895, La Turquie et les atrocités arméniennes, d'après un témoin oculaire, 1896, Orphelins et rescapées, publication de 1917. It is extremely important, however, because it is probably a fair representation of the occurrences of the last few years. La victoire russe lors de la guerre de 1877-1878, associée à la crise financière que subit l'empire depuis 1873 et qui place celui-ci sous la quasi-tutelle fiscale des puissances occidentales suscitent des espoirs de libération chez les Arméniens. Des militants Hentchak, Mihran Damadian, Hampartsoum Boyadjian et Hrayr, encouragent la résistance du fait de l'inaction du gouvernement contre la persécution et la double imposition fiscale exercée par l'État central turc et des féodaux kurdes. Le caractère spontané de ses tueries étant le résultat d'une action populaire et réactionnaire soutenue et/ou organisée par les milices locales[1]. Pour Vahakn Dadrian ces massacres ont une dimension proto-génocidaire et constituent le prélude expérimental au génocide de 1915[10]. The origins of the hostility toward Armenians lay in the increasingly precarious position in which the Ottoman Empire found itself in the last quarter of the 19th century. En 1894, des tensions naissent entre les agriculteurs arméniens et les tribus kurdes qui harcèlent ses populations, signe précurseur d'un premier massacre[1]. [33][35], Besides Armenians, some 25,000 Assyrians and up to 100,000 Greeks lost their lives as well. Des milliers d'Arméniens sont tués par leurs voisins musulmans et les forces gouvernementales, et bien d'autres succombent pendant l'hiver froid de 1895-96. It was estimated casualties ranged from 80,000 to 300,000,[3] resulting in 50,000 orphaned children. In 1894, the sultan began to target the Armenian people in a precursor to the Hamidian massacres. Les massacres commencèrent en 1894 pour gagner en ampleur dans les années 1894-1895 et diminuer progressivement en 1897 devant la pression exercée par les condamnations internationales. [24], The French vice consul of Diyarbakır, Gustave Meyrier, recounted to Ambassador Paul Cambon stories of Armenian women and children being assaulted and killed and described the attackers "as cowardly as they were cruel. Ces bandits étaient connus sous le nom d'Alaylari Hamidiye (appartenant à Hamid). "[45] Americans on the mainland, such as Julia Ward Howe, David Josiah Brewer, and John D. Rockefeller, donated and raised large amounts of money and organized relief aid that was channeled to the Armenians via the newly established American Red Cross[46]. En octobre 1895, les grandes puissances (Grande-Bretagne, France et Russie) interviennent auprès du sultan pour qu'il réduise les pouvoirs de l'Alaylari Hamidiye. "[39][40] A French vice consul declared that the Ottoman Empire was "gradually annihilating the Christian element" by "giving the Kurdish chieftains carte blanche to do whatever they please, to enrich themselves at the Christians' expense and to satisfy their men's whims. Ils eurent lieu entre 1894 et 1896 sous le règne du sultan Abdülhamid II, connu en Europe sous le nom de « Sultan rouge » ou encore de « Grand Saigneur ». Chrisyma, 27. « la simple mention du mot “réforme” irrite Abdul Hamid, et excite ses instincts criminels », Empire ottoman dans la Première Guerre mondiale, Histoire des Arméniens dans l'Empire ottoman, Mouvement de libération nationale arménien, Rafle des intellectuels arméniens du 24 avril 1915, https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Massacres_hamidiens&oldid=174593966, Catégorie Commons avec lien local identique sur Wikidata, Portail:Époque contemporaine/Articles liés, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence, Jelle Verheij, 'Les frères de terre et d'eau': sur le rôle des Kurdes dans les massacres arméniens de 1894-1896, Bruinessen. German foreign ministry operative and Turkologist Ernst Jäckh claimed that 200,000 Armenians were killed and 50,000 were expelled and a million pillaged and plundered. [37] Further, historian Leslie Rogne Schumacher notes that the massacres "reflected and impacted the changing world of European international relations" in the years before the First World War, weakening Britain's relationship with the Ottoman Empire and bolstering British ties to Russia. La violence se répand et gagne rapidement la plupart des villes arméniennes. I asked if the dogs had done this. [55] Most scholars, however, limit this definition strictly to the years 1915–1923.[56]. En 1896, au plus fort des massacres, Abdülhamid tente de limiter l'impact des protestations internationales. Through his contacts, favorable impressions of the empire were published in a number of European newspapers and magazines, while Herzl himself attempted unsuccessfully to mediate between the Sultan and Armenian party activists in France, Britain, Austria and elsewhere. [22] Upon receiving the reform package, the sultan is said to have remarked, "This business will end in blood."[23]. Le service web Alexandria est motorisé par Memodata pour faciliter les recherches sur Ebay. Other humanitarian groups and the Red Cross helped by sending aid to the remaining survivors who were dying of disease and hunger. The French diplomatic correspondence shows that the Hamidiye carried out massacres not only of Armenians but also of Assyrians living in Diyarbakir, Hasankeyf, Sivas and other parts of Anatolia. �R�벥�a�eԬ�����lnZ';qX/�u�@��4dK��*�����oI{)��.�)Y[%i�B���"p��k&,q�� �\x���T��*����5}��_\�1�5O%_%���:�� 9n��$���ڔ�����%���=��oه�~�Z-��h��S0v��䨈j�]@bk_������{��9~ć����+͂��ВK���|vEuܢ��qy^gMLy%ꋼi-�d�v��hWc�m�]��? [6][verification needed], News of the Armenian massacres in the empire were widely reported in Europe and the United States and drew strong responses from foreign governments, humanitarian organizations, and the press alike. Some non-Armenian groups were also attacked during the massacres. Il est aussi possible de jouer avec la grille de 25 cases. En poursuivant votre navigation sur ce site, vous acceptez l'utilisation de ces cookies. "[45] Americans on the mainland, such as Julia Ward Howe, David Josiah Brewer, and John D. Rockefeller, donated and raised large amounts of money and organized relief aid that was channeled to the Armenians via the newly established American Red Cross[46]. Les Arméniens luttent depuis le début des années 1870 pour obtenir des réformes civiles et fiscales et d'une façon générale pour l'égalité des droits avec les musulmans. The eastern provinces of the Ottoman Empire were historically insecure;[14] the Kurdish rebels attacked the inhabitants of towns and villages with impunity. [4] The massacres are named after Sultan Abdul Hamid II, who, in his efforts to maintain the imperial domain of the collapsing Ottoman Empire, reasserted Pan-Islamism as a state ideology. Les massacres hamidiens renvoient à la première série d'actes criminels de grande ampleur perpétrés contre les Arméniens de l'Empire ottoman.Ils eurent lieu entre 1894 et 1896 sous le règne du sultan Abdülhamid II, connu en Europe sous le nom de « Sultan rouge » ou encore de « Grand Saigneur ».Le qualificatif fait référence au nom du sultan Abdülhamid II sous le règne … Abdul Hamid believed that the woes of the Ottoman Empire stemmed from "the endless persecutions and hostilities of the Christian world. La pire des atrocités a eu lieu à Ourfa où les troupes ottomanes brûlent la cathédrale arménienne dans laquelle s'étaient réfugiés 3 000 Arméniens, et tirent sur ceux qui tentaient de s'échapper[9]. "[8] These requests went unheeded by the central government. [15] In 1890–91, at a time when the empire was either too weak and disorganized or reluctant to halt them, Sultan Abdul Hamid gave semi-official status to the Kurdish bandits. Massacres hamidiens de 1894-1896 dans le blog Petite Encyclopédie du Génocide Arménien Mai 2005 : 34- La politique du sultan = Avril 2005 : 20- Les jardins de Silidhar = 17- La prise de la Banque ottomane = 16- La formation des Hamidié = 14- les massacres du vilayet d’Alep = %PDF-1.4 This entry is from Wikipedia, the leading user-contributed encyclopedia. "[42] King Leopold II of Belgium told British Prime Minister Salisbury that he was prepared to send his Congolese Force Publique to "invade and occupy" Armenia. The massacres began tapering off in 1897, following international condemnation of Abdul Hamid. Abdul Hamid believed that the woes of the Ottoman Empire stemmed from "the endless persecutions and hostilities of the Christian world. "[12] While he admitted that some of their complaints were well-founded, he likened the Armenians to "hired female mourners [pleureuses] who simulate a pain they do not feel; they are an effeminate and cowardly people who hide behind the clothes of the great powers and raise an outcry for the smallest of causes."[13]. It was estimated casualties ranged from 80,000 to 300,000,[3] resulting in 50,000 orphaned children. [22] Upon receiving the reform package, the sultan is said to have remarked, "This business will end in blood."[23]. [5] Although the massacres were aimed mainly at the Armenians, they turned into indiscriminate anti-Christian pogroms in some cases, such as the Diyarbekir massacre, where, at least according to one contemporary source, up to 25,000 Assyrians were also killed.[6]. On the face of it, it cannot be true, and before a jury it would hardly have any weight as evidence. All the corpses had been rifled of all their clothes except a cotton undergarment or two....To be killed in battle by brave men is one thing; to be butchered by cowardly armed soldiers in cold blood and utterly defenseless is another thing. Tous droits réservés. Le qualificatif fait référence au nom du sultan Abdülhamid II sous le règne duquel eurent lieu ces massacres. A dozen bodies were half burned. LA fenêtre fournit des explications et des traductions contextuelles, c'est-à-dire sans obliger votre visiteur à quitter votre page web ! [26], Abdul Hamid's private first secretary wrote in his memoirs about Abdul Hamid that he "decided to pursue a policy of severity and terror against the Armenians, and in order to succeed in this respect he elected the method of dealing them an economic blow... he ordered that they absolutely avoid negotiating or discussing anything with the Armenians and that they inflict upon them a decisive strike to settle scores."[27]. Other humanitarian groups and the Red Cross helped by sending aid to the remaining survivors who were dying of disease and hunger. Les Arméniens luttent depuis le début des années 1870 pour obtenir des réformes civiles et fiscales et d'une façon générale pour l'égalité des droits avec les musulmans. The harshest measures were directed against the long persecuted Armenian community as calls for civil reform and better treatment from the government went ignored. Des milliers d'Arméniens sont tués par leurs voisins musulmans et les forces gouvernementales, et bien d'autres succombent pendant l'hiver froid de 1895-96. [17] In the face of such abuses and violence, the Armenians established revolutionary organizations, namely the Social Democrat Hunchakian Party (Hunchak; founded in Switzerland in 1887) and the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (the ARF or Dashnaktsutiun, founded in 1890 in Tiflis). [47], At the height of the massacres, in 1896, Abdul Hamid tried to limit the flow of information coming out of Turkey (Harper's Weekly was banned by Ottoman censors for its extensive coverage of the massacres) and counteract the negative press by enlisting the help of sympathetic Western activists and journalists.