English translations include the JPS 1985 Tanakh and the Koren-Steinsaltz Talmud, plus many more. Q4: Conversely, how does the text from Proverbs prove that *Keter Torah* is greater? English translations include the JPS 1985 Tanakh and the Koren-Steinsaltz Talmud, plus many more. Le Talmud de Babylone; traduit en langue franc̦aise et complété par celui de Jérusalem et par d'autres monumens de l'antiquite judaïque by Chiarini, Luigi, 1789-1832, ed. Talmud. The third chapter is then dedicated to demonstrating the significance, stature of – and proper approach to – Torah study. In 1872, Rabbi Ziv purchased a plot of land and erected a building for the Talmud Torah, which began as a primary school and soon became a secondary school. Il y a même des lignes expliquant que la connaissance du Talmud permettra de trouver les moyens de détourner les juifs de leur religion pour les guider vers le christianisme. A Talmud Torah for every age. YE: Mitzvat Talmud Torah can be seen as two independent obligations: An obligation to learn how to do Mitzvot – what Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein refers to as “operative learning” – and the intellectual pursuit of Torah. “Because only one who is obligated to learn is obligated to teach” – why does he simply state the obligation without the exclusive RAK, which would have made the whole sense clearer? Achetez en ligne les Guemarot Editions Bnei Torah pour Comprendre et Approfondir la Guemara ... Bnei Torah: 58 Avenue de Wagram 75017 Paris. Buna şu şekilde yaklaşalım: Yahudilik Hıristiyanlık gibi eski bir Abrahamcı dindir. When was the Torah written? In other words, the Torah isn’t open to all because it’s less valuable. Gan / Sunday Funday. That of the altar was earned by Aharon – and he took it. The ETT was founded in 1912 by a group of 13 Jewish individuals in the basement of the Beth Israel Synagogue on 95th Street. Do we have a communal obligation to teach the children of single mothers, of non-observant (or non-Jewish) fathers etc.? /tahl meuhd tawr euh, tohr euh, tal /, Hebrew. The vision of Talmud I Herxliah is to challenge th e young minds of today to become the creative and innovative Jewish leaders of tommorrow. Talmud Torah Elementary School Beutel Campus. Likez et Inviter vos amis à découvrir plus! Talmud Torah. 'Hanouccah - du dimanche soir 6 décembre 2015 au lundi 14 décembre 2015! 1.The Talmud is the most vital manuscript of conventional Judaism. 1.2K likes. Modia en français Un site pour étudier et vivre le judaïsme, le Talmud et la Torah Modia in english A web site on how to study and live Judaism, Torah and Talmud Dons: cliquez ici - … Les élèves des différents centres sont connectés afin de faire la Tefilah, de poursuivre l’apprentissage de la lecture, de l’écriture, l’étude de la Torah. The Talmud is considered the oral traditions that coincide with the Torah. Are we obligated to include our male children in the B’rit – and Mesorah – or are they obligated to participate in it? Listen to the class on the phone . Restoration Of Torah - English Torah Portions. It is a depiction of the primary codification of the Jewish decrees. Bienvenue à l’école primaire Talmud Torah ! Gratuit. Even in the most right-wing circles, where women are not given access to most of Torah sheBa’al Peh, they are taught Hilkhot Shabbat, Kashrut and, at the appropriate time, Hilkhot Nidah. A. G. Weigel Collection americana Digitizing sponsor Q3: Is the obligation mentioned here essentially upon the father or upon the son? Talmud Torah Elementary School - Montréal - phone number, website, address & opening hours - QC - Elementary & High Schools. E Talmud Torah, Paris. *Keter Kehuna* was earned by Aharon, as it says: (Bamidbar 25:13) It shall be for him and his descendants after him a pact of priesthood for all time…”; *Keter Malkhut* was earned by David, as it says: (Ps. 8:15-16) “Through me kings rein and rulers decree just laws; through me princes rule…” – you can infer that *Keter Torah* is greater than both of them. That of the altar is still waiting; anyone who wishes to take it , may come and take it. YE: The exemption of women here is best explained by the Rov, who wrote quite a bit on the different Mesorot – the Mesorah of intellectual, cognitive Torah, of the fathers, and the Mesorah of emotional and valuating Torah of the mothers. However, regarding a minor, his father is obligated to teach him Torah, as it says: “And you shall teach them to your sons to speak them” (Devarim [Deuteronomy] 11:19) A woman is not obligated to teach her son; because anyone who is obligated to study is obligated to teach. Women, slaves and minors are exempt from Talmud Torah. Un site intuitif pour découvrir, apprendre et vivre ensemble un judaïsme éclairé. YE: Perhaps R changed the wording and took the analogy out of the Beit HaMiqdash sphere in order to avoid the mixed message. This opposes the fundamental Rabbinic concept that the Oral Torah was given to Moses on Mount Sinai together with the Written Torah. Publication date 1831 Publisher Leipzig, En commission chez J. Q3: Why would anyone think that the crown of Torah is of lesser value? ... educating and inspiring people of all backgrounds with the majestic depth of Torah and Judaism. The Talmud is the encyclopedia of Jewish life. Yahudi olmayan insanlar için bu konuda pek fazla bilgi sahibi olmadığı … 514-739-2297. 1. Q4: On the last statement there are two problems: Obviously (it would seem), the mother cannot be held responsible to teach her son, since she was not obligated to learn, we will assume that she didn’t do so. Who are we to even try to compare ouselves with people like that?! EF: Precisely because the Torah is open to all, one may be led to think that it is of less significance. Parashat VaIshlah, Méditation sur le nom d'IsraëlL'hébreu biblique - Le blog de Haïm Ouizemann L'hébreu biblique – Le blog de Haïm Ouizemann. La Bibliothèque Hébraique Numérique : les textes fondateurs du Judaïsme (Bible hébraïque, Talmud, Midrash), la Bible en hébreu et en français, le calendrier (Chabbat, Hanoucca...), les textes liturgiques, des dictionnaires hébreu-français... Soutenez Judéopédia par un don à l'association Vendredi 9h30 / 16h30. Submit your piece for review, and if approved we will publish it on our site as ", Bar Mitzvah – Keeping the Right Perspective, Bar and Bas Mitzvah – A Special Celebration, Bar/Bat Mitzvah: A Re-enactment of "Kabolas Hatorah", Shavu'os and Bar Mitzvah: Causes For Celebration, Marital Partners – Compatibility of Missions, The Connection between Livelihood and Redemption, Lessons to be Learned from Our Great Ancestors, Seeing An Intolerable Situation For What It Is. Someone from a poor background cannot generally achieve political power, wealth, honor, etc. Chaque Mardi, Mercredi et Dimanche, les professeurs se mobilisent pour transmettre par voie numérique les bases de l’éducation juives aux élèves du Talmud Torah JEM : cours de liturgie, de Dracha, lecture, répétition de paracha, demandez le programme du Talmud Torah à l’adresse suivante : talmudtorah@judaismeenmouvement.org Do you produce content on the Torah Portion? Call #187 . Le Talmud Torah jouit d’une reputation bien méritée comme un initiateur pour l’éducation juive, créatrice et pourvoyant des enseignements soignés de haute qualité pour les enfants. E-Talmud, des ressources en ligne pour se familiariser avec le Judaïsme. By exempting women from learning on this level of intellectual Mesorah, we are clearly exempting them from teaching on this level – if they are not a receiving link, they cannot grasp the next one. 01 42 72 38 00 www.Talmud-Torah.info Talmud Torah, Apprendre L'hébreu, Préparation Bar Mitzvah Ligne. Le e-learning au service de l'Etude du Talmud - Formation et cours à distance en vidéo. For nearly 90 years they have been dedicated to providing Ottawa families with a traditional, comprehensive alternative to Jewish day school. Abarbanel Shem MeShmuel Shabbos: Taam Chaim Mikra Haaros Growing with the Parsha Gal Einai Jerusalem Views Sfas Emes Weekly Halacha Osher HaChaim, Rabbi Yitzchak Adlerstein - Mei Marom - Machshava - Rav Hirsch - Nesivos Shalom - Netziv - Meshech Chochmah - Gur Aryeh - Be’eros - HaMedrash V’HaMaaseh. Why after 2 chapters (with 4 to go)? Limoud Torah (84) Temps Messianique (52) Science & Torah (29) Chemirat haLachone (168) Conversion (12) Hassidout (53) Beth-Hamikdach (18) Kriat haTorah (17) Pensée Juive (1605) Middot (66) Tsniout (24) Histoire Juive (136) Non-Juifs (7) Explications de Torah (2) Argent & Travail (72) Chemita (15) By exempting women, Rambam has made it clear that this is not the “operative” study of how to keep Mitzvot, but something else entirely. mishnah'ya ek olarak onu yorumlayan iki ayrı gemara yazılmıştır. En Île-de-France, 1600 élèves suivent chaque semaine les cours de Talmud Torah du Consistoire. In 1975 it became part of the Edmonton Public School Board. Rambam, Copyright (c) 1999 Project Genesis, Inc. Talmud Torah of St. Paul 2020 Annual Campaign. 1. DUBAI, UAE (VINnews) — A new Talmud Torah has opened in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. After all, usually the most valuable things in society are off limits to people from poor backgrounds. It was the first of its kind in Canada. www.Talmud-Torah.info Talmud Torah, Apprendre L'hébreu, Préparation Bar Mitzvah Ligne. Perhaps you will say it [the Ark] is lesser? Adults. Le service Educatif du Consistoire a développé l’enseignement à distance et a mis en place le Talmud Torah en ligne. Talmud Torah En Ligne et Bar Mitzvah Online vous souhaite un joyeux Hanoucca! All rights reserved. Talmud Torah schools were created in the Jewish world, both Ashkenazic and Sephardic, as a form of parochial primary school for boys of modest backgrounds, where they were given an elementary education in Hebrew, the Scriptures (especially the Pentateuch), and the Talmud (and Halakhah). The bottom line of Mesorah is not just receiving – but transmitting to the next generation. Chapters 4-7 focus on a second issue – the relationship between Hakhamim and their students (Ch. - Chabbat Chalom! Children. and tr. Du dimanche au jeudi 9h30 / 19h30. The answer is that the ark and the tablets, more than any of the other vessels, represent the Divine presence in the Temple. but it says: (Pr. Search by keyword or browse the table of contents to e… 89:37) “His line shall continue forever, his throne, as the sun before MeI; *Keter Torah* lies in wait and is accessible to all of Yisrael, as it says: (Devarim 33:4) “Moshe commanded us the Torah, as the heritage of the congregation of Yaakov.” – anyone who wishes may come and take [this crown]. Hence, our Rabbis taught that a mamzer who knows Torah is greater than an ignorant High Priest. Talmud Torah Kehillat Beth Israel is proud to have a partnership with Ottawa Talmud Torah, our community’s premier choice for supplemental Jewish education, from JK to Grade 8. The Talmud Torah was founded in the 1860s by Rabbi Simcha Zissel Ziv, known as the Alter of Kelm (the Elder of Kelm), to strengthen the study of Musar in Lithuania. 4840 St. Kevin, Montreal, QC H3W 1P2. In other words, not only am I obligated to wear Tefillin, but, just as I am obligated to acquire or borrow a pair of Tefillin in order to fulfill the Mitzvah, in the same way, I am obligated to learn how to do it in order to fulfill it. Second, the analogy is a bit difficult; if the crown which was on top of the Ark represents (as Rashi, in his commentary on the Torah, suggests) the Crown of Torah – the Ark is in the most inaccessible place – specifically in that place where only the High Priest may enter once a year. Sefaria delivers 3,000 years of Jewish texts in Hebrew and English translation (Torah, Tanakh, Mishnah, Talmud, and more) to your iPhone or iPad. YE: The last question is now easily answered: One who is obligated to learn is obligated to teach – this is not just an arbitrary or coincidental connection – it is inherent in what we are trying to accomplish: One who is obligated to learn is, by definition, obligated to pass on that learning. Publication date 1831 Publisher Leipzig, En commission chez J. LB (Larry Budner ): A coronation, like a college commencement, is both a beginning and an end. Here is the thesis: Mitzvat Talmud Torah is essentially a participation in *Mesorah* (transmission of the tradition) (look carefully at the verse quoted in 1:2- more on that later). Talmud Torah School 6320 172 St NW Edmonton, AB T5T 6H1. GRATUIT ! Texte. The first chapter delineates the paramters of the obligation, while the second details the method of fulfilling the primary obligation of teaching children. YE: In trying to compare this with B’rit Milah, it depends on how we understand that obligation. 1: Yisrael were crowned with three crowns: *Keter Torah * (the crown of Torah), *Keter Kehuna* (the crown of the priesthood) and *Keter Malkhut* (the crown of royalty). La Bible bilingue Hébreu-Français En partenariat avec www.sefarim.fr Le Pentateuque - La Genèse , L’Exode , Le Lévitique , Les Nombres , Le Deutéronome 1. Have an article for Torah.org? Abarbanel Shem MeShmuel Shabbos: Taam Chaim Mikra Haaros Growing with the Parsha Gal Einai Jerusalem Views Sfas Emes Weekly Halacha Osher HaChaim, Rabbi Yitzchak Adlerstein - Mei Marom - Machshava - Rav Hirsch - Nesivos Shalom - Netziv - Meshech Chochmah - Gur Aryeh - Be’eros - HaMedrash V’HaMaaseh. Likez et Inviter vos amis à découvrir plus! Have an article for Torah.org? Discover Us. Intensive program (new!) Talmud Torah offers an after-school opportunity each Wednesday for school-age children up to age eleven to enrich their understanding of Judaism and foster their knowledge of the Hebrew language. Touching the Soul. Talmud Torah. Vous pouvez inscrire vos enfants pour la prochaine rentrée prévue le 6 septembre 2020 en nous contactant sur talmudtorah@judaismeenmouvement.org Judaïsme En Mouvement, né le 1er janvier 2020 du rapprochement de l'ULIF-COPERNIC et du MJLF, possède l’un des plus importants Talmud Torah … This is why, for example, Kabbalists assume that prophecy emanates from the Cherubs placed on the ark. Engaging the Imagination. However, there is room to distinguish: Whereas you certainly are fulfilling Mitzvat Talmud Torah when you study how to put on Tefillin or what is a clear distinguishing feature in a lost item (Siman Muvhaq) – these are also part of the Mitzvot of Tefillin and Hashavat Avedah (returning lost items). … When the Edmonton Jewish community grew in the 1920s, the Beth Israel Synagogue became unsuitable, and so a decision was taken in the early 1920s to build a new building for the Talmud Torah. Class 3 of 5 in Talmud Tractate Pesachim 114a . Torah is a collection of five books i.e. Rabbi YY Jacobson mishnah ve gemara beraber sözlü gelenekler olarak bilinen talmud'u oluştururlar ki bu durumda iki talmud vardır biri jerusalem talmud'u diğeri babylon talmud'udur. Talmud ve Torah arasında önemli bir farkın görülebileceği iki kelime vardır. Le Talmud de Babylone; traduit en langue franc̦aise et complété par celui de Jérusalem et par d'autres monumens de l'antiquite judaïque by Chiarini, Luigi, 1789-1832, ed. Rambam begins the Halakhot by declaring who is responsible for participating in this component of Mesorah – the intellectual transmission of tradition: By defining who is out, the nature of the chain – and, as argued above, the nature of the learning becomes clear. If the bottom line of learning is teaching, then all becomes clear. YE (Yitz Etshalom ): Conversely, we might view this third chapter as a conclusion (and a fitting one) to the “meat” of Hilkhot Talmud Torah. Elle a publié de nombreux livres sur le judaïsme, la philosophie morale, la spiritualité. Angle 52, Rue des Rosiers - Paris. Beyahad. 4 – teaching; Ch. For application to the Talmud Torah Program, click here. Le Talmud Torah a repris depuis le dimanche 6 décembre à la synagogue.. Véritable moteur de la communauté, leTalmud Torah accueille les enfants dès l'âge de 5 ans, pour une séance hebdomadaire. 3.The Torah is most widely known as the five books of Moses. Copyright © Torah.org - Project Genesis. Some Talmud Torahs concentrate on Talmudic studies as a preparation for entrance into a yeshiva (school of higher Dans Lire la Torah, elle expose les principes, les ressources et les enjeux de la lecture spirituelle de la Torah à quoi s’identifie la tradition religieuse du judaïsme. Perhaps the third chapter, then, should be viewed as a bridge between the two sections – it aptly concludes the essential laws of TT, while establishing the greatness of scholars and study such that our relationships with them, in the classroom and in general, should be driven by these considerations. Women, slaves and minors are exempt from Talmud Torah.However, regarding a minor, his father is obligated to teach him Torah, as it says: “And you shall teach them to your sons to speak them” (Devarim [Deuteronomy] 11:19) A woman is not obligated to teach her son; because anyone who is obligated to study is obligated to teach. 1,2 K J’aime. Q2: We should look into – and discuss – the exemption of women from this Mitzvah. Seph. the study of concepts, discussing non-Halakhic issues, rejected opinions, etc. – is pure and simple Mitzvat Talmud Torah. Ancien, documenté, très intéressant mais souvent référence à Jésus-christ ou au christianisme qui n'a aucun rapport avec la traduction du Talmud qu'on s'attendrait à lire. Talmud Torah began its full day school program in 1933. Talmud Torah En Ligne. *Keter Kehuna* was earned by Aharon, as it says: (Bamidbar 25:13) It shall be for him and his descendants after him a pact of priesthood for all time…”; *Keter Malkhut* was earned by David, as it says: (Ps. 01: Talmud Torah: The Mitzva of Torah Study - Introduction In this introductory shiur, we explore the centrality of Torah study in the thought of the Rabbis. Talmud Torah En Ligne. la torah bilingue hebreu - francais Nous rendre visite 1 , rue des Hospitalières Saint Gervais Angle 52, Rue des Rosiers 75004 - PARIS Téléphone : 01 42 72 38 00 E-TALMUD, un centre de ressource pour initier les enfants au judaïsme. Notre Talmud Torah est un programme éducatif comprenant l’apprentissage de l’Hébreu avec les lois et coutumes juives sous la direction de Mme Altabé Vivi, enseignante expérimentée. 7-8 years old: twice a month 3pm–4:30pm . It explains the written texts of the Torah so that people know how to apply it to their lives. The clearest indication of this distinction is in regards to the obligation of Talmud Torah. Now, when we look at the “pure” Mitzvah of Talmud Torah, we find that not only in the first Halakha, but throughout the beginning of the first chapter, Rambam concerns himself with teaching as opposed to learning. For more information, please contact the Kahal office at 310.474.0559 or email Molly.. Forums pour discuter de Talmud, voir ses formes composées, des exemples et poser vos questions. Cours sur la Paracha de la semaine. 1: Yisrael were crowned with three crowns: *Keter Torah* (the crown of Torah), *Keter Kehuna* (the crown of the priesthood) and *Keter Malkhut* (the crown of royalty). CONTACT YEAR END APPEAL General Donation Planning for the Future TT Directory 2021 - Add your listing TT Directory 2021 - Volunteer! and tr. Perhaps you will say that the other crowns are greater than *Keter Torah*? Cours de Daf Hayomi en français. Le Talmud de Babylone: tr. The Mission of Our Talmud Torah - Le Talmud Torah à lieu le dimanche matin de 9h45 à 12h15 pour garçons et filles de 7 à 12 ans, à partir du CE1, et se déroule dans les locaux de notre centre dans le 8ème. Le programme en études générales et études juives moderne et compétitif du préscolaire 5 ans (Maternelle) et du primaire (1ère à 6e année) à l’école Talmud Torah offre à nos élèves une formation de haut calibre.